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Cowboys for Texas Monthly 

AU00005466 - Kenny Callaway, 26, at the Finley Ranch outside Baird, Texas. Callaway can shoot a beer from 200 yards in the dark. AU00005479 - Dehorning can be bloody business. AU00005472 - Rooster Hargrove, 38, got his first job as a cowboy when he was 15. He's been day working for ranches all over Callahan County ever since. AU00005475 - Kenny Calloway. AU00005469 - Cody Ender, 30, is a cowboy at the 666 Ranch. AU00005468 - Wagon Boss, Reggie Hatfield, 49, has been at the 666 Ranch in Guthrie, Texas for 14 years. AU00005467 - Cowboys sleep and eat in this bunkhouse at the Kokernot 06 Ranch in Fort Davis, Texas. AU00005473 - 4 year old Creed Williams already knows how to ride and has a horse named Fish Hook. AU00005474 - Rod Smith, 53, has been a horse trainer and day worker in the Post for 25 years. AU00005477 - Herefords in a cow ding pen at the Kokernot 06. Cows are very protective of their calves. Cowboys seperate calves for branding at the Rancho Espuela, north of Sierra Blanca. AU00005481 - Jingling the geldings at the 666 Ranch. AU00005471 - At the Pickfork Ranch, near Guthrie, Texas, Cowboy David Ross, GM Ron Lane, Cowboy Chad Braker and Wagon Boss Mark Voss, gather together in the horse barn. AU00005470 - Boots O'Neal, 75, has been with the 6666 Ranch for 19 years. He started riding horses in 1948. AU00005476 - Donald Rutledge, 84, of Abilene, Texas, has been competing in amateur rodeos, working on ranches and training cutting horses since he was 16. 
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